Prati al Sole
Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Imported by SelectioNaturel
photo courtesy of SelectioNaturel
From their website: “The Prati al sole farm was born in 2014, with the dream of locally producing wine, foodstuffs and other agricultural products of high nutritional quality and delicious taste.
We have been certified organic since 2017 for the entire surface we manage and, both in the fields and in the vineyard, we apply the methods of biodynamic agriculture.
We have aimed at creating a more complex agricultural organization. Thus were created: our organic garden, where we grow many vegetable crops, with techniques aimed at increasing the fertility of the soil and the population of beneficial microorganisms, our fields cultivated with ancient varieties of soft wheat and durum wheat, for the recovery of the nutritional qualities of wheat, and finally our bee families, protecting the delicate balance on which the farm is based. The creation of favorable conditions for vines, in terms of fertility, diversity, reappearance of useful insects and birds, the presence of forests and protective hedges, etc., makes them stronger and more resistant to the climatic conditions of these years and to the most typical diseases, allowing us to reduce treatments, and hopefully, long-lived as we once saw.”
Links to more info about Prati al Sole: